The bad boy pilot who is safely and secretly in love with his married copilot. A human who thought she was in love enough for marriage once. But when the tables turn and there’s nothing holding them back, it’s just a matter of time before this pair crash into each other. However, a turn of events and a dire situation put things on hold while they try to rescue everyone aboard the transport, including themselves.
This story was another adventure filled with action and laced with over the top angsty romance. Some of the back and forth was hard to believe but it was still cute in an “Earth Girls Are Easy”, 80’s-kitschy kind of way.
The Audiobook narrators have been used throughout this series and are fun to listen to. There’s a few little things which throw me off – some ill fitting vocal inflections and extended pauses – but I don’t know if it’s a reflection on the narrators or just the wording in the book. Maybe a little of both.
I’m still enjoying reading through and following the adventures of these brothers, and looking forward to the next adventure.