The Economic Collapse Chronicles tell the story of a near-future dystopia in America. The economy has collapsed as a result of an overloaded welfare system and massive government borrowing, spending, and overreach. The president of the United States, who was elected against the will of the people through the Electoral College, turns the country into a police state. States begin to secede as a result and civil war ensues. American patriots defend their newly born coalition of states in the hope of a brighter future for their children.

This book reminds me of The Turner Diaries without the racial bigotry. The author, Mark Goodwin, goes into quite a bit of detail in relation to the position that the Sixteenth Amendment cannot be used to justify income taxes. He also discusses a lot of American history that most people are ignorant of through his inter-character dialogue. Apart from being an awesome adventure story, I actually learned some things about the above mentioned topics and financial planning in case of an economic collapse.

The author is clearly a Christian and there are strong Christian themes throughout the book. I rate this title an A+ and would highly recommend it.