For reasons I tried to learn about on the Internet and writing directly to Soundbooth Theater voice actors group nothing has given me the answer. My question is why in the world did Harmon Cooper NOT have the same incredibly talented group of voice performers for the following two books? I’ve just started book 5 and I don’t mean to bash this voice performer, but even after just the first 10 minutes into book 5, I’m really unhappy with having to force myself to learn all over again which characters have which vocalization. Other authors have done this type of thing and sometimes it’s an improvement. However, already in just two chapters in book 5, I extremely disappointed as this performer isn’t as talented as even just the incredibly versatile Jeff Hays who does male and female voices so well, if you’ve never seen them live or on YouTube, it’s hard to believe some of the voices are not being performed by a woman. I think I now understand why the number of ratings are far less for book 5 compared to the first four books. Book 6 just released, so I certainly can’t count those. However, now that I was and am bummed about this performer choice, at least the next book is performed by the same person. I can only hope the story makes up for the disappointing voice performance. And if anyone truthfully knows why Soundbooth did not perform book 5 & 6, I’d sure would like to know the answer. If by the end, I feel differently I will revise this review and leave another review on the book 5 page.