A great start in this new series by this talented author.

The story centers around Serenity Washington and Lucas Jordan. Serenity is back in Verona Bay with her young daughter after 8 years . Serenity and her twin had been kidnapped by a serial killer and only Serenity survived. Now , a widow, she is a business owner and just wants a fresh start.

Lucas Jordan is a former Marine , member of a well respected family . He’s been attracted to Serenity , but she has been skittish.

When Serenity starts getting “gifts” from an unknown source, items that belonged to the deceased victims, she seeks help from the sheriff, Lucas’s brother. From then on Lucas’s protective side shines and Serenity starts to trust. But the danger is always around the corner.

The main characters, Serenity Washington and Lucas Jordan are complex , the plot engaging , one filled with a whodunit , keeping you guessing as to who is really the bad guy.

Can’t wait to read the next story in this promising series.

I was entrusted a copy of this book. The opinions expressed are solely my own.