I loved getting to listen to Brie’s story and watch as her journey unfolded. I loved how she reacted when her beliefs got challenged or questioned and she hadn’t to question what she thought was right. She’s a fiery sassy character with just the right amount of sass and a lot of wit. I loved the different races and the culture these different races had. I wanted to know more about the world outside of the dome and why things became the way they did. Kai was a lot of fun especially when he was trying to understand and put his foot in his mouth. It wasn’t so much fun to listen as Brie called him out on his blunders and didn’t let him get away with saying things because he was the prince. She challenged him and made him think. I really liked their chemistry and want to know what will happen next for them. Brie made mistakes but she does the best ah can to try to make up for them or fix them. She also has a lot of things she needs to realize and figure out what she truly believes is right. I can’t wait to see what happens next for her and Kai. They have a lot of obstacles ahead of them but I look forward to seeing how they get through them together.

I received this by request and am leaving an honest review of my own choice.