Tether by Jeremy Robinson and narrated by Jeffrey Kafer held my interest to the end. Recommend for those who enjoy Sci-Fi with a little paranormal added to the mix.

What’s it about? Saul receives a call from his wife when an explosion occurs at her place of employment. He rushes to her work but is unable to find his wife, but does rescue a woman named Rain. From there they are chased by unknown but dangerous people. Saul turns to his friend Reggie for help. The cat and mouse games continues through the book. You get twists and turns, action, science and the supernatural. Without giving spoilers away, I’ll leave it at this. There are some references to Ghostbusters and LOTR. Character development is good, even the minor characters are great. I’ve recently ventured into this authors works and was beginning to think this author isn’t for me, but this book changed any thought I had on that.

“Without sleep the mind breaks.”

The narrator, Jeffrey Kafer, did a great job with the characters. Easy-to-listen-to.

Overall, I highly recommend especially if you are new to the author and narrator.

“I was given this book at my request and have voluntarily left this review.”