I laughed at this Authors depiction of each various outlandish conclave of human habitats in the new post apocalyptic world. He is able to capture exactly the reality of what would actually be left of humanity. My favorite part was his depiction of the “snowflakes” conclave called “Tolerance” on what was a university campus, that was anything but tolerant.
I completely understand that it would be human nature to want to survive with like minded humans. This series takes it one step further and shows how it truly could be; that we’d preferably want to join a conclave society we would fit in with. Well, there’s several to choose from here.
This Author had done a fabulous job building a post apocalyptic world, characters you’d laugh at, would really fear if real, or cheer for. If you have ever been coast to coast across this great nation than I’m sure you’d realize you’d prolly met a few of the less than harmless characters in real life. I know I have.