the enemy I get is an enemy but when he’s in pain and half blown in half. we are all human beings we were all created by our heavenly father. our Savior died on the cross so we could have forgiveness. they refused to give this man in the book whose had half his face blown off and they refused to give him morphine and they keep shocking him with adrenaline shots. That’s not right there now turning just as evil as the enemy that tried to attack them at one point you have to ask yourself when are you just as bad as the bad guys. to torture a man like that yeah he did something wrong we all make mistakes but to torture a man whose face has been half blown off to give him no pain meds to just make him suffer it’s not right Jesus never says cause a person to suffer he never said that. he says turn the other cheek forgiven to love your neighbor as you love yourself and to love your enemies. I can’t sit there and watch someone suffer I would look at the man and say you know what I forgive you and I want to teach you that you can also be saved Jesus loves you he wants to be a part of the kingdom of God. and then I would give him some morphine because his face has been half blown off. to watch a man slowly dying in so much pain it’s just not humanly right I don’t care how bad a person is they don’t deserve to die such a painful way. I was always taught by my heavenly father to always always show compassion it’s always always give a person a chance to become part of the kingdom of God but to hurt someone so badly because you’re angry with them it’s not the answer. this does not set a good example for anybody and if anyone reads this book they’re going to have ideas of something like this does happen it’s going to cause them to want to do the same thing to somebody. I pray with all my heart the Americans will have hearts Americans will forgive. I pray Americans will show the world that we aren’t evil that we are the children of God that we are no matter what they do to us we as Americans created by our heavenly father and our Savior Jesus Christ we are able to forgive to love and to have compassion.if you have a heart for people and can’t watch suffering this book will not be for you. I promise you you’ll be in tears even if though the person is an enemy. because the anguish you hear this person it is so heart-wrenching that you can’t help but cry because Jesus wouldn’t want us to do this to anybody.