The story of this book is good. It has some very cool world building and the plot is decent. With that being said the dialogue is not very well written. It’s basic and boring and feels too simplistic. The author does a good job in many aspects of this book, plot, magic systems, monster, battles, world, etc. When the character start talking it all falls flat. The main characters internal dialogue is basically “I’ve got to remember the thing that happened” and “This is the way I though this would happen” and “Jim sure likes to party” and “she is tough”. I’m not sure if it just written poorly or if it’s intentional to appeal to an audience that has never had a conversation in real life. If I was stuck in this game I would beg for the the villian to ban me so I could be spared from the lifeless vanilla people who inhabit this world.

I want to like this much more than I did. what’s good is very good but what’s bad is very bad.