Jeremy Robinson did it again. A good premise, great start. All brought down by an awful finish. It got off a to great start. At one point I checked my phone and couldn’t believe we were only two hours into the book with everything that had already happened. I thought we may have a winner at our hands here and was starting to wonder where it may go from here. Alas, once they met the demon/semi god it went to hell in a hand basket… From here on it was a frontal assault of worn out sci-fi tropes. Unbeatable alien monster; former special forces guy who just happened to be at the right place and right time to become the main protagonist; crazy scientist; time travel paradox meeting yourself; etc. I kept hanging in through to the sorry and sappy end. The only unpredictable part of the last two thirds was the tie in to The Others with the appearance of Dan Delgado. Why. I don’t know. In the end the author just couldn’t maintain the pace and focus of the first third. A pity.