I have not read any books by the authors in this series. I have read countless Post apocalyptic books and this story was a nice change of pace from the normal genre. The characters could have been developed a little more for my liking but over all I got to know them and their personalities well enough that it fit with the story pace. What I really like about this particular story is the believably of the whole scenario. There was no sudden “No one knows what just happened” type of event. There was a slow progression of decline with a pop at the end. But things had taken place to get to a real story…no drowning the story in travels on the road to get to a home that is getting attacked or the family is split and the main character had to get home while the family barley fends off some evil. I like how it portrays a normal family that follows a prepper family to their bug out location. The internal conflict and turmoil is more real life. This scenario is something that could really happen and most likely would. The group is at odds in a stressful situation….that is real. I look forward to listening to the rest of the series and hope it stays down to earth. As always Kevin Pierce is the best post apocalyptic narrator out there. I think Kevin could read shampoo bottles and i would listen. I received this title for free in exchange for an unbiased review.