I think Billy stole the show :). Jude is a sweetheart and has a wall around his heart after being hurt a long time ago and refuses to let anyone close to him. After his ceiling collapses in his apartment, his sometimes hook-up tells him that he can stay with his half-brother but there is something he needs to tell him about Asa but couldn’t remember what. So when he show’s up at Asa’s house, he wasn’t ready for the hostility he receives when Asa finds out he is a model. When Asa agrees to let him stay at his home & to be his assistant in place of rent, he decides that he is going live up to Asa’s opinion that he is nothing but an airhead. What Asa doesn’t know is that Jude is really smart and had to drop out of University because of an accident that happened to his dad. It was so funny that Jude would send Asa to the wrong places and wrote these hilarious letters in response to his fan mail. Asa is an actor, who has been out of the limelight for a bit as he went through some serious stuff. His POS ex was a model & they were together for 4 years. Asa also has a 5 year old son Billy who I absolutely adored. Slowly Asa comes to find out that Jude is not an airhead and that Jude adores Billy. When the POS ex pops up & causes trouble, Jude takes Billy away so that he isn’t subjected to the paparazzi. We get to watch these two fall in love but won’t let those walls down as they refuse to get hurt again. With the summer rapidly coming to an end and Jude’s apartment about ready for him to move back in to, they know the romance isn’t going to last. It was a hard fought HEA but I loved the ending. The reply letters to a fan letter/gift at the beginning of each chapter cracked me up to no end.

Audio arc provided by LesCourt Services in exchange for an honest review.