HOLY WOW doesn’t even begin to cover my feelings on this twisted suspenseful Mafia romance.. with its bitter-sweet angst, deliciously dark drama, twisty twists and OMFG jaw dropping revelations in its riveting action-packed scenes. JJ’s well-crafted plot weaves its sticky web of truths and lies, injects humor and lures you in from chapter 1.

LOVEABLE PSYCHOPATHS perhaps sums up JJ’s multi-layered, bad-ass, ruthless characters whose devious manipulative actions steal your breath.. as well as your heart.

CONSUMED is how I felt as I started to hear how two not so innocent children first meet and unwittingly forged a bond that will resurface and ignite sizzling chemistry when they meet many years later.. when the boy has become the ruthless feared Mafia Dom.. and the mouse has become a cunning lioness.

AWE STRUCK are the only words to describe how Joel Froomkin’s dual PoV narration made me feel as I listened to his perfect pitch and portrayal of characters young and old, male and female and with a variety of accents too.

HUNGRY FOR MORE is how I feel now that the tbc gripping romance has ended.. because the plot, sub plots and players are all in place for the thrilling final mindf’k to finally end.

OH BOY YES is the answer to my Worth a credit? question. There’s edge-of-your-seat action and drama, fascinating cold-bloodied likeable killer characters, a mind-blowing plot with a twisted touching romance, sex and tension-filled thrills which are all awesomely brought to life by a fantastic narrator in a full-length multi-packed story.