I took a chance on this series because it was over 20hrs of audio story. I knew nothing about; if it kept me entertained for 20hr I figured it was worth the price.
It blew away all my expectations!!! I loved listening to every minute of it. It’s characters and some story themes are cliche but in a wonderful way. the author doenst try to hide the captain who’s an ace pilot, classic rock, and wannabe gunslinger. Because he just lays out the story and character and doesn’t try to make it something it’s not, it works great. The best part is the author is able to surprise you in other ways and come at story tropes from a different angle. Thus making defining expectations.
The characters are loveable and wonderful. The further you get in the more they feel like family; which makes it all the more heart breaking when the series ends and there are no more stories.
Each story is a building block that moves the over all series forward each time. It’s also refreshing to see an author is magic in hand with science instead a typical one or the other type of story. The way they are blended together and how you learn about the magic working in the world through the characters who use them is handled terrifically.
The narrator is amazing! He brings every character to life and gives them all different personalities through the gift of his voice. He captures everything so perfecly I can’t count how many times I laughed out loud or tell you how eager I was every day to turn this series on and hear what happens next.
I can’t recommend this series enough if you are a fan of Firefly or sci-fi in general.