What to say? I finished the audio book in less than 48 hours after release. I did not want to stop listening. Every installment in the series makes me want to keep listening, ignoring all other media. When you get to the end it is bitter sweet. It leaves you wanting more, but every ending is satisfying. The stakes are always higher. The story doesn’t twist and turn, it bends and slides gracefully. You are along for a ride that you never want to end, and when it does, you are excited to see the next stage. The pacing is quick but in just the right way. It is a whirlwind that you never worry about riding, you just do it. Will is fantastic and his writing is more enthralling with every book. Travis offers a performance that brings Will’s words to life so it is as a dream playing before your mind. Hopefully we only have to wait half a year for the next book, but you cannot rush something this good. Thanks for the great story Will and Travis. Please don’t stop!