As with all Jeremy Robinson books, Tether is non-stop action from the first to the last chapter. Tether is the perfect blend of science fiction/fantasy and action adventure. If you enjoy the Marvel movies like Avengers, you will very much enjoy all of his books and Tether in particular. The book begins with Saul Signalman awakening from an ambien-induced sleep, calling his wife Morgan at work via Facetime and watching both on the screen and outside his window as a massive explosion hits the town of Cambridge, Massachusetts and the lab where Morgan works. Never in my or Saul’s wildest imagination could I have guessed all the bizarre and dangerous hurdles that Saul would vault in order to discover what happened to his wife and to attempt to save the rest of the world from the evil and violent nightmare this explosion loosed on the world.

I am not normally a huge fan of the science fiction genre, but Jeremy Robinson does it right. He uses plenty of world building, but his stories never get bogged down in overwhelming and esoteric detail. His protagonists always display a realistic, human element that I find refreshing in the action adventure genre. Saul is no exception; he openly admits his faults and human failings, but he perseveres with bravery and humility despite his fears and doubts. I also loved the dry wit and sometimes outright comedy that the author sprinkles throughout the story, keeping it from getting overly heavy or dramatic despite the death-defying nature of Saul’s attempts to save the world. The secondary characters such as the mystery woman Rain, his good friend Reggie, her warlock boyfriend, and a noble and brave FBI agent are well fleshed out and add depth and drama to this exciting story. Overall, I highly recommend this book for any lovers of action, mystery, science fiction or fantasy books. It is a beautiful combination of all four.

I elected to listen to this audiobook because Jeffrey Kafer, the narrator, is my all-time favorite. He delivers his usual stellar performance with Tether. Kafer differentiates extremely well between characters, and his performance always perfectly matches the mood and tone of every scene. His delivery of Saul’s sarcastic and dry wit is priceless, and he truly makes an already incredible story even more enjoyable as an audiobook.

I received a copy of this audiobook at my request in exchange for this honest review.