I tried the first novel in the series and couldn’t finish it. This one has the same problems but in general is slightly better written (though I suspect that it’s actually a question of the plot being more to my taste than actual quality of the book).
The plot is alright, though it feels a lot like a missed opportunity. something happens to set up various possible plot development, but then everything is solved in two lines. rinse and repeat. there is no depth to anything.
everything must be spelled out loud by the characters, whether it’s relevant, private or common knowledge doesn’t matter.
the recurring use of the term bitch for female wolves is still jarring, but at least shewolf is used too.
the thing I dislike the most is the rampant misogyny. There is no shewolf in a really powerful position in the pack. the highest female role is to give birth to the alpha’s child and help rule the other females. when there is a feast or something that requires a lot of preparation, who is in the kitchen? the shewolves, of course. the female characters are all housekeepers.
I liked the narrator, he did his best and was very good with the various accents.
then there are my personal pet peeves:
-the sex scenes were decidedly not sexy. I don’t particularly care for sex scenes, as in I don’t mind them, but I don’t need them either. But if they are written out, they have to add something to the plot or at least be decent “eye candy”, so to speak. these feel like they were an unavoidable requirement and are just there because they have to.
– at a point in the plot someone needs a blood transfusion, and it’s stated that they “are a universal donor an consequently a universal receiver”…. no they aren’t. it’s one or the other. you can’t be both…. it’s not brain surgery, you can just Google it,so if you’re going to put it in a book, maybe take five minutes to check?
– one of the pack members is in pain, and is prescribed a lot of heavy opioids for it, as werewolves are resistant to medicine and need more than usual. a human nurse, not knowing anything about werewolves etc, objects. first she thinks it’s a mistake and points it out, than tries to insist that that is a lot of dangerous medicaton. she gets dismissed in an extremely rude manner an literally told she should be glad she’s not fired. what the hell? for doing her job properly? and I’m supposed to like these people?

tl;dr: this book is good for a laugh, as long as you can get it for free. I would not suggest paying for it.