First off I wouldn’t call this a romance or an mc novel, they are part of the book, but this story’s focus is about a girl overcoming events that deeply hurt her. Mainly dealing with betrayal, being ostracized and having no support system. Having gone though those things, I can understand how deep they can scar you and that learning how to trust again feels impossible. There are some reviews that call her whiney, but I think a better description would be to call her resentful. I think this book could have been very powerful and at times it was, but it was also the longest rant in history about how wronged she was. You can’t heal if you don’t let go of the hurt, whether you can forgive or not, if you keep it bottled inside it will rot you, until it’s not what was done destroying you, but you yourself. And I couldn’t help but see how she let that bitterness get in the way of her own healing and happiness at every opportunity throughout the entire book… that wasn’t the authors intention, but it is powerful just the same.