Matthew DiStefano has an uncanny ability to bring incredibly complex ideas to the table with simple, easy to understand language. The ten items tackled in this book have shaped much of modern, American Christianity, and Christianity in the West, as a whole. But, Matthew breaks each idea down, through clever exegesis and a Christocentric view of Scripture. Bringing in anecdotal evidence, as well as rich Scriptural references, Matthew builds a world where the dominant faith is one that I want to desperately cling to. Whether you are in the process of deconstruction, are deeply rooted in a faith tradition that’s seemingly crumbling around you, or have walked away altogether, this book will help build a more solid, Christ-like foundation for you to reconstruct on. To say this book has helped me would be an understatement. To say that this book has reoriented my theology, ideology, and worldview would be understatements. This is the book that I will be gifting friends and family alike for years to come as a means to say, “It’s this simple. It can be this beautiful.”