I received this copy per my request, in exchange the least I could do is write an honest review.

This book was pretty good, I had my doubts at first but the story kept building leading me to want to know more about the main characters past and the outcome of the galaxy. The way it ended I could see there being a sequel I would be interested in finding out what happened to the characters but it ended on a note to where a sequel isn’t needed. I have been listening to all of Sean’s work and he is a damn good narrator he draws you in, not at all monotone. Each of his characters sound individual though so of his characters between books share a similar voice however I expect that as its hard to have a 1000 individual voices at your disposal that you can speak with ease and at your command. Looking forward to listening to more of Seans work it gets better each time (trying to listen to his work in order from his first to latest narration.) I think this is worth a listen and helped me get through a couple work days.