I’ve never listened to a Jeremy Robinson book nor read one that I am aware of. I took a chance when I ran across this. I love space adventure. I enjoyed how this was written from the different points of view, the internal mono-logging that went on in the character heads and basically the whole format. The descriptions and word choice just made it so much more real and believable. It was funny and had me laughing out loud (not a good thing to do when listening with headphones in a crowded place. People just think you are crazy)

Having different narrators for the male and female characters was really a good idea. It made it much easier to keep track of who was telling the story. The narrators did a good job giving the characters personality. They carried off the sarcastic comments as they were intended to be said. Loads of personality came through.

I enjoyed this enough that I have listened to it twice in 2 weeks. I listen to a lot of books and own more than I want to tell people…I found after I had finished a couple of others, that I needed something that would make me feel good and laugh. Hence the second trip through. I’m certain it will be played many more times in my future.