4.5 out of 5 stars
These Dane and Bones origin stories are always a nice change of pace from the other stories – but they’re also not as good. That’s not to say they’re bad (they’re not even close). I just miss Dane and Bones’ ability to do what they want when they want to. That being said – it was super fascinating to see how they were finally released from duty and what happened on their last mission.
I absolutely flew through Bloodstorm – honestly I think I finished it in two evenings. I wanted to know how it was going to end from the first few chapters. That’s a sign of fantastic writing.
The actual story within Bloodstorm tells of a relic (I won’t spoil the reveal of what it actually is) that can be traced back through many powerful people. It has been used to convince others to follow. And it may have been used by Hitler and the Third Reich. The hunt for this leads Bones and Dane all over the world and even almost leads to their deaths.
If you go into a David Wood and Sean Ellis book think you’re going to be underwhelmed then there’s something wrong with you. Wood and Ellis have blown me off my feet in every novel they’ve written together. Bloodstorm was no different. Even though I wished that Dane and Bones were more autonomous like they are in the post-Origins novels – this one was still full of action, intrigue, and of course Bones’ dirty jokes.