this is fantastic science fiction for anybody who isn’t put off by crude humor.
yes, the humor is crude and continues to be just as crude throughout. no, it doesn’t get even slightly less crude once the author has set the tone. no, I won’t be recommending this to my mother or my wife.
but if you can suspend your disgust and disbelief, the dick and shit jokes are easily varied enough to be entertaining just by themselves. The author has miraculously managed to capture the flavor the Battle Royale streaming culture while keeping the story interesting enough to lead readers from one crude joke to the next. it’s not a perfect representation, because it doesn’t descend into unapologetic racism (it occasionally surfaces apologetically) or some of the hurtful insults that you sometimes see, but that’s yet another plus for me.
I don’t have friends who tell crude jokes like those in this book. I don’t tell any crude jokes like in this book either. but I laughed out loud repeatedly at literally shit that I can never share with my wife.
well played. I’ll buy the next one too as long as my wife never finds out about this one and starts listening to see what kind of shit her husband would give 5 stars.