This is apocalyptic . It might even be dystopian . It is definitely proselytizing . A man survives a world pandemic because he’s “holy”. He loses his family to the plague but they’re in heaven due to the bogus, non biblical concept held by evangelicals and fundamentalists of being “Saved”. He is a prepper and it seems that god has somehow shown him ,through divine providence, that he needed to be ready . By Christian standards he is not a good person . He is certainly not following the gospel precepts and to make matters worse , he uses gospel and biblical verses to justify his own greed and inhumanity . He is a survivalist . Let’s be clear though , ne’er the twain shall meet .
I would greatly appreciate it if there was a subcategory in this genre for Christian whatever . The hypocrisy just annoys me and I’ve wasted a credit that I’m going to ask for back . Five chapters of justification for his selfishness is enough .
Review from The Traveler Series →