Hugo Huesca does a great job with the third installment of the Dungeon Lord series. We get to see the Dungeon Lord and his minions grow in power, make new friends, and overcome many problems this go around. I’m enjoying seeing how Ed is growing his power and his kingdom. I have two main complaints about the series. The main one is that the author spends too much time focusing on Ed’s previous adventuring group. I will get immersed in the Haunt and what everyone is doing and then get pulled out violently when they start talking about the new guy at work or how everyone hates their job. I’m really hoping the author has much less of this in the next installment because it was very hard to enjoy the book around these parts. The other is the indecisiveness of certain members of the Inquisition. I figure that will be a problem for another book or two more but I really hope it gets resolved quickly. Other than these two issues I quite enjoyed the book. I’m looking forward to Book 4 and hope I won’t have to wait too long for it.
Review from Dungeon Lord: Abominable Creatures →