On the whole this was a nice m/m/m romance, with Joel Leslie’s performance taking it to a higher level and making it so you empathize with the MC’s even more than if you’d just be reading the printed version of the story. He is a great narrator and as always does an amazing job with all the different voices and accents.
The connection between all three men is strong and convincing and it was great to gain more insight into how it all started for the men running the All Cocks studio and getting to know some of the models better. The author did a good job of writing a balanced throuple, though perhaps Matty is cast a little too much in the role of a damsel in distress, needing to be protected by his big bad lovers. Of course, he does have that heart-wrenching, awful trauma in his past and the scenes dealing with that were heartbreaking to listen to. So some over-protectiveness from Andrew and Victor is only natural.
At the end of the story, when everything appears to be neatly tied up in a HEA (years later), we suddenly get some unexpected (and unnecessary) drama, almost as an afterthought, and the story gets drawn out far too much. I felt as if that shouldn’t have been part of this book and served more to introduce new plot lines and characters for the coming books in this series.