Okay, so my wife and daughter were downstairs watching Stranger Things, and apparently, I laughed so hard at times that I was interfering with the show. This is by no means a deep cerebral humor, so if you don’t like pies in the face and crotch jokes, you might not laugh as hard as I did. If this was a standalone book, I’d complain that the protagonist wasn’t developed fully, but since this is listed as book 1, I have to assume that the characters will be developed over time. There were some truly hilarious parts to this book, and at the end, they had a bloopers section where the narrator had trouble making some of the ridiculous statements in the story. The bloopers may have been as funny as any other part of the story. My only complaint would be that at times, the story was a bit predictable and formula-esque. When I wasn’t laughing my head off at something ridiculous, there were times I found my mind wondering as I lost interest. As a whole, it was a great book with good laughs, good characters, and a decent story line. I recommend this book, will be looking for book #2, and thought the narrator did an excellent job, especially considering some of the things he had to say. I’ll have to check out one of Barry’s Space Team Saga books to see if they are as funny.