My high school time is long in the past yet I still enjoy books with characters that young. Maybe it’s because I wish I could go back in time and relive some of those years. They were pretty awesome in hindsight. Anyhoo…

Bully books are all the rage at the moment and I have ambivalent feelings about those because, honestly, bullying shouldn’t be romanticized. But nosy person that I am I just wanted to know why people are so taken with them. I can see it. I totally can. The key is how and if the author makes the hero redeemable. LA Cotton did a decent job with Cameron and the dual point of view definitely helped. He did some horrible things. Things, I would never forgive under normal circumstances. For too long he was Jason’s lapdog and didn’t stand up to him. But in the end he was so darned endearing when he started fighting for Hailee’s affection.

Hailee was the light of this story. She was smart mouthed, snarky and strong and didn’t take the awful stuff those jerks dished out lying down without retaliating. She had her own way of getting back at them and I really loved her for not falling over herself when Cameron started to come around and kept him at arm’s length. Not for long though because the guy had charms.

Now Jason, Hailee’s stepbrother, was a douchebag extraordinaire. Focused on football, arrogant as they come, full of himself and so incredibly rude, offensive and hurtful – It’ll be interesting to see if and how this author will redeem him.

Wen Ross is always a joy to listen to. I’ve never listened to Sarah Puckett before – her narration style is one of those I don’t enjoy very much. She has that strange way of dragging out the last syllable of the last word in a sentence, however, that aside her performance was quite good.

This is my first LA Cotton book and this one was really engaging – I just couldn’t stop listening. I’m still not sure if I’m happy about the whole bullying fad. However, with this being quite steamy it isn’t intended for a young audience. So now I’m looking forward to THE GAME YOU PLAY!