Nathan Stone is still an assassin, still loves his sister, and is still being hunted by the Commission. But this time he saves more people than he kills. And, he perhaps has what will be a new love interest…whiny, in my humble estimation, too wastefully talkative and has no real common sense, but she does do a lot of growing up during their time together. No real ties that would prevent her going on road with him and he’s shown her he can be trusted. Hope she takes a trauma first aid class and watches YouTube to acquire some useful skills before their next meet up…or author Turner gives him a more action savvy partner, especially to balance out new female Evilene character. She could be like Sarah Connor from Terminator movies, learning useful stuff so she won’t be so helpless, just in life in general…or being an actress, audition and train for a short-lived action series..I don’t know..anyways, can’t wait for the next one.
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