Allow me to preface this by saying that I love (absolutely love) a longer audio book, the longer the better, however, when the length of the story adds nothing to the characters or does not develop the plot then that length becomes tedious. Which is what happened with this book. I kept hoping as I listened that there would be more, something redeeming to to Rosie and her growth as a person but there was no transition from her naivete to maturity (or semi maturity) her character continued on oblivious to anything other than what was in her bubble. There were some moments that I had a chuckle but it was not the laugh out loud book I was expecting mainly because Rosie was too emotionally immature to fully relate to. There were moments when the author identified how exasperating Rosie was (via Rosie’s internal monologue) but the explanation for that was in the end lacking. Just an okay read for me…