This is all 6 books of the Robotic Geneticist series. The books are as below.

Book 1

This book introduces Eve, Plato and Charlie 7. Eve is the result of illegal genetic experiments as is Plato. Plato had managed to escape and made it his goal to punish all illegal geneticist. It becomes apparent and Charlie 7 becomes involved. This is the beginning of an attempt to give the experiments a voice in their own destiny.

Book 2

This is the second book of the Robot Geneticists series. It continues with Eve representing the 8 known clones and finding the robots do not want to give the humans the freedom they wish because the robots feel they must be protected and prevented from doing illogical things.

The entire book is about Eve trying to save Plato and have a new chassis loaded with Charlie 7’s memory. It also involves other robots who have their own agenda and working at cross efforts to prevent this from happening.

Book 3

This was book three of the series. It was filled with surprises as Eve, Plato, and Charlie 7 continued to track down the upload cabal and to improve the lives of the new humans.

There were many mistakes and some real surprises. There was a ramping up of tension between the humans and the robots as the team tried to investigate the unlawful activities and the robots wanted complete privacy.

There also was a great deal of resentment from the robots when humans were in fact present even though they had been planning for them for 1000 years.

Book 4

After Rachel 18 stumbles across old files that the robots were programmed to not see it springs a revolution that had been brewing and planned for a long time. Robots who were not satisfied with their life and wanted to become human wanted to seize control so they could clone humans and overlay their brain with themselves. This involved putting all the humans in danger as well as exposing secrets that Charlie 7 had kept hidden for a thousand years.

This book was end to end excitement. It was well written and the story held together and kept my interest throughout. The narrator was outstanding and the use of multiple voices for the characters was excellent.

Book 5

The first 10 chapters are composed of describing how the children come to be and how they develop. But then the rest of the story involves the attempt of the humans to define their own destiny in relationship to the robots. The two main characters are Abby and Alex. Abby is frustrated because she has not been able to accomplish what she felt she should. Alex is frustrated because he feels that the robots are preventing him from developing dark energy.

Alex sets out with a plan to gain control of the system to change it and allow human development as he wishes while Abby opposes him in an effort to keep the status quo. The interpersonal play is sometimes frustrating but you are always on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen next.

Book 6

The story of this book revolves around Mars. Mankind has expanded to Mars and the people who are there have developed an independence from the robots and want a more human centrist society. Upon moving to Mars one of Eve’s great granddaughters runs afoul of this group and is taken captive as hostage. Since Eve’s health has deteriorated it falls on Abby to try and negotiate with them.

This book is full of surprises and many twists and turns. It is a very well written book and does a good job of concluding the series.

The narration is outstanding as it has been throughout the series.

This book was provided free of charge with the expectation of an honest review.