This concludes Aaron Hodges Legend of the Gods trilogy. When it started I enjoyed the relatively small scope the author seemed to have in mind, and yet as the trilogy has proceeded Hodges’ vision has unfolded to be quite epic. This last book was quite a ride, picking up pretty quickly and keeping the pace unrelenting until the end. It is a brutally straight-forward narrative, with the antagonist using his powers to the fullest to reach his ends. I never had a moment where I thought “Oh, if only he had done this thing-which-makes-complete-sense he’d have destroyed them…” The plot and characters were well-thought-out and felt sensible and accessible.

As for the narration, David Stifel did an excellent job. I didn’t really notice any variation or difference between his performance here and his performance in the previous two books – if you enjoyed those, you’ll enjoy this.

As a conclusion to a trilogy, I thought Hodges wrapped up everything he set out in the previous two books. I would recommend reading them first rather than just jumping in on this story. Some of the story arcs and character development can not truly be appreciated without walking through the story. That said, it’s a well-written book and quite enjoyable.

[note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review]