I’ve enjoyed this series immensely! Book 1 was just 4 hrs in length & I hesitated to get it, as prefer longer books (more bang for your buck!). So glad I took a chance on book 1, as all bks in this series have been great, easy to follow who’s who, & of course the narrator, Frank Pearce, is the best! The books got longer, some 11+ hours, which I’m grateful for. God help us if something like this ever happens. Americans are, for the most part, pretty lazy &, sadly, VERY spoiled, living on credit w/nothing but debt, buying the latest “toys” (adult & kids), having no savings for emergencies, instead of being wise stewards of their money & actually spending money on what’s vital for survival. You NEED food, water, shelter, & clothes to survive. But needs not wants. But 1 beautiful piece to decorate your home instead of a bunch of cheap, dust-catching nic-have. Get extra food, & other items you’d need to survive! Best to have them & not need them, than to need them & not have them. How much extra food & water do you have? Will YOUR kids starve if a SHTF scenario happens? Those who did without to prepare will have NO SYMPATHY on those who were warned & did NOTHING! The top gov officials say an EMP “is not a matter of IF, but WHEN!” Yet America does NOTHING to harden our infrastructure (other countries have!). Even those who try their best to prep are not prepared enough for a HUGE crisis like this, & it scares me to death how dangerous life would get VERY FAST after a SHTF scenario! This is VERY eye-opening as to the VERY delicate balance of our crumbling world (ALL countries in the world are having 1 financial crisis after another which you know IF you’re paying attention to anything besides our terrible mainstream media propoganda machine that spreads lies, covers up truths, & has a VERY left-leaning, practically socialist – which is 1 step away from communism -agenda) & Pres. Trump has wisely been buying America time & doing his best to get us ready for a financial RESET (that means your worthless paper fiat money will be worthless!) to help cushion Americans from the upcoming reset, so we don’t end up like Venuzuela. I don’t care if you’re Democrat or Republican or whatever, we ALL are Americans & should ALL be outraged at how our proven left-leaning media constantly lies to us! News/Reporters SHOULD present BOTH sides equally & older, REAL reporters are outraged at all the news being spread by “Anonymous” sources. If you have an Anti-Trump anonymous source article or news story, 20-30 yrs ago you’d ALWAYS get a statement from the other side, like in this case Pres. Trump. I pray Americans wake up b4 it’s too late! Anyone who votes for the FAR-leaning Leftists (Socialists provable by just a few mins of research n2 the Socialist/Communist beliefs) needs to go live in TRUE Socialist or Communist countries like Cuba & Venuzuela (& N. Korea, etc.) & search their souls to see if THAT is what they want for America! Socialism is SO close to Communism & Communism has NEVER, EVER worked & has caused millions & millions of deaths, more than all the wars put together!! Yet people care more about getting the latest cell phone or watching stupid tv shows that truly waste your time! This book shows the difference between a North Korean dictator & their way of thinking, compared to TRUE-BLUE FREEDOM LOVING citizens of The USA! An important lesson many in this country need!! We’re ALWAYS 1 election away from pure Socialism & that should scare you to death & make your blood run cold!! This book is a good example. Good for this author!