So regret that this is my last J. B. Turner novel. Love his character development and that fact that, for a thriller, I am surprised to Always find more than one character about whom I care and have looked forward to meeting again in future Jon Reznick stories. BUT, I simply can no longer get past the Constant G—D—- and J—— C——- which Turner inserts into every other character utterance. It is customary to find such tricks exercised by authors who possess limited creative writing ability to express character emotion. This is Not a problem for J. B. Turner, so I assume he simply enjoys having his characters utter these phrases which are viewed as blasphemies by his Christian fans. As a thrice-married NON-Evangelical Christian who has had two military husbands, one of whom was a Navy fighter pilot, I am able to report reliably that Navy SEAL and both Navy AND Air Force pilots enthusiastically hold forth with every sort of F-bomb and (actually rather hilariously creative) cussing, but Not with Turner’s frequency of JC!!! and GD!!! It’s just too much. I’ll miss Jon, his darling daughter, Meyerstein, and all of Turner’s other enchanting characters and Great storylines.
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