This story was so captivating, I couldn’t stop listening! I had no idea what I was getting into, but I quickly became totally invested in Cam and Jake’s story. This is told in the form of a letter from Cam to Jake as she recounts their life from before her birth to present day. Cam and Jake were 3 years apart but connected so intrinsically from the very beginning. This poignant story is the odyssey of their life together thru all their ups and downs, successes and disappointments, and the unwavering support and love they shared. I loved how Evans revealed the depth of their connection and the joy and sorrow that comes with something so profound and beautiful. Sarah Puckett’s narration made this story even more mesmerizing. She embodied Cam so perfectly from a young girl to adulthood. She portrays all the complex emotions with such tenderness and passion, and had me laughing, crying and totally engaged from start to finish. I definitely recommend this beautiful, fun, and heartfelt story!