So glad to find out this book was available in audio. Hartman has a unique perspective and despite critics his insights stand on their own..regardless of opinions….the fact is that factions has pros and cons
and we cannot actively dynamically solve our serious issues with outm diverse insights and meaningful dialog. we also cannot move without some consensus and synergy….the force behind such unifications comes through the prodigies like jefferson who was a truly comprehensive Renaissance man (with a lovely wife!!)
I love what this book represents. You will get its message only if you see the whole issue in its comprehensive nature.
thanks Thom for the commitment to timeless principles of critical thinking and original insights and application in a qualitative contemporary stage…passing this on to someone I literally used to bodysurf with at Sandy beach in the 70’s,…whose name is Barack (yes, him)….and urging him to take it with him on his current work trips…