The premise of the book is really different. It started off with a ton of excitement, and seldom dragged. I did find the characters to be awfully cranky, but I have a feeling the happy moments were left out and you just had to assume that they mostly got along. I mean, they all became friends, and remained friends, so they must have been happy at times, lol. Despite the general crankiness of all of the characters, I really liked this book. The basic storyline is that anyone, (almost anyone), can do magic. You just have to have the right relic. And that’s where it gets tricky. And, apparently, after you find the perfect relic for you, you instantly are supposed to become a bad guy and you run around killing everyone else that has a relic so that you can steal theirs and give it to your friends. If all of your friends already have their very own relic, then you sell it to someone else. It’s weird. I mean, why can’t all of the magic users just be nice? But, if they were, then there would be no book. And, despite my reservations on the weirdness of it all, I really, really enjoyed this book. When it ended, I immediately went on Audible to get the next book. Sadly, the next book isn’t out yet. But, when it comes out, you can bet that I will be one of the first ones to listen to it. I wonder when pre-orders start for book 2…..

This book was given to me at no charge upon my request from Audioboom in exchange for my honest opinion, and my honest opinion is that if you can put up with all the cranky people, the book is well worth listening to and you will be glad you gave it a try.