This is my new favorite in the Time Travel Genre. Owen McCoy is a fun, intense character stuck in extraordinary circumstances. As Owen and his companions are hurdled further and further back in time, they realize just how busy this little bit of Appalachia was throughout history. Some companions are lost, others gained, many dead. Cassie, Owen, and young Owen were my favorite characters. Cassie and Owen work in security for a local science lab, but much more has been going on there than they knew. The Flux happens in unpredictable waves, making it difficult for Owen to figure out what is going on, let alone stay alive.

I really enjoyed the pre-written history times. There’s mammoths and then dinos and a few unexpected things – deadly things! Owen & his crew passed through the days when the Cherokee populated the area, picking up a few companions like Inola. She’s an accomplished horse rider with a level head (something that is much needed for keeping people alive). She also has a good idea of what is hunting them now, and knows that it is near-impossible to kill. All very exciting reading!

My one quibble is that there are so few female characters and for the most part they are romantic interests. Cassie is very competent but there’s an unspoken deeper connection with Owen. Then Inola is an object of a blossoming affection. There’s a young kid Cassie and then a scientist’s wife… and perhaps 1 or 2 other ladies. So, yeah, we could use a few more ladies. After all, that’s why we even have history to muck with.

The pacing was excellent. I was never bored. There’s plenty of action but also quieter moments to balance things out. Owen has a darker side that he keeps in check with his need to protect people. He’s good at damaging humans, if need be, but he doesn’t enjoy it. This tale gives him plenty of opportunities to kill as well as to exert his self-control. He’s an interesting character & it was easy for me to connect with him, rooting for him throughout the entire book. 4.5/5 stars.

The Narration: Jeffrey Kafer gives a great performance narrating this book. He has distinct voices for all the characters, providing a variety of regional accents. I really appreciate how he managed to make multiple generations of characters sound related but not exactly alike. His female voices were good too. There were no technical issues with the recording. 5/5 stars.

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are 100% my own.