I might be soiled by mostly reading good sci-fi by acclaimed authors, so when I bought this book by unknown authors lured in by what seemed like an interesting premise, I didn’t have high expectations, but didn’t expect complete and utter trash like it is. The wiring is on a level you would expect from highschooler it fanfic writer, the characters are bland and stupid, the plot is ridiculously idiotic, the technobabble is cringworthy – author uses even real-world terms incorrectly, and obviously has no idea what they mean (e.g. his characters call personal ship on-board knowledge database “cloud storage” *faceplant*). Also the author opts for pseudo-realistic ship physics (e.g. he talks a lot about expanding propellant, delta-v, gravity assists and so on) yet has no idea how actual physics and gravity works, which result in such hilarious mistakes, like ships “assuming geostationary orbit” around tidally-locked (non-rotating) satellite and otherwise hovering over arbitrary points on planets.