I’m a huge fan of Sloane Kennedy, read through all her books on KU & have purchased nearly all her audiobooks. As always, she delivers angst, drama, & mystery well. These stories are definitely dark and invoke some strong feelings, so they’re not for everyone.

Joel Leslie is hit or miss for me. This one was definitely a miss. Tate has a Southern (supposedly Texan) accent. Unfortunately, it comes and goes during the recording, even in the same chapters. Also, the town Luling should be pronounced “loo-ling” NOT “lull-ling”. Since it’s mentioned 20+ times, it’s quite annoying. Hawke is supposed to be from Wyoming (though, as former military, I could see how his accent could be washed out) yet his accent is all over the place as well. Sometimes it sounds somewhat Boston-esque, sometimes more Midwest, sometimes indistinguishable. Frankly I just wish he hadn’t even attempted an accent if he wasn’t going to stick with one.