The Preacher is just that, a defrocked priest, and former Viet Nam War Vet who lives life playing poker. A friend from back in his seminary days calls the Preacher to his town to look into a mysterious death of another mutual friend whose suicide by helicopter crash does not look legit. The suspects? The town leaders who play a regular poker game.

The story begins and does not let up. This hard to put down novel is fast paced. Both a detective story and modern day western the plot, location, and characters culminate into a delightfully fun read.

The narrator for the audio book, Shawn Compton, does a magnificent job with the text. He is not as “animated” as some readers, yet he conveys the characters and the story well. His tense vocal performance conveys well the theme of the novel he is reading. Great work! I look forward to both reading and hearing the next book in the series!