Story: It was an average story. Reminds me of the old World of Darkness books. It did not engross me enough though as the world building was slow and I did not feel comfortable with the characters. It was like I missed so much of thier lives and did not feel for any of them. I know he is after some creature chick that killed his girlfriend which I assume is a greater arc for the series but could not get on board.

Writing: The writing was fine and sentences made sense. I was never taken out of the story due to the writing style.

Structure: His chapters were out of place. They stopped and started mid way through a scene. It took me out of the story which is a shame since his writing was fine.

Voice: His voice was pleasant but no range. I felt tired and bored. I hope he uses more range and tempo in the future.

Overall: Average story at best. Might be better read than listening material. It was hard for me to get through the book.

I received this book for free in exchange for an voluntary unbiased review.