I’ve read and listened to a lot of litrpg books over the past 2 years, (over 100) and this book happened to pop up under my suggestion list.

The summery of the story is mediocre common,

Guy plays game, guy gets trapped in game, only way out is to “beat” it (in this case go to a certain area and claim a item)

The overall story isn’t to bad, entertaining.

The main “bad guy” is pretty annoying, but other then that, the story seems to always fall in place for the MC.

No character development really, the leveling explanations (skills ) are a generalization, the MC mentions going a specific build but it always feels like he is just randomly selecting skills based on feeling and not need.

If you have run out of books to read, it’s not bad.

But I wouldn’t put this on the top of my reading list either.

Pretty much a 2.5 out of 5 stars is what I would rate this book.