The story begins as Owen is eating breakfast and a young man is holding a gun in his face trying to steal drugs. This would seem a strange beginning to a story but it is the beginning of a strange adventure as Owen and the young man start out on a trip up the mountain and find themselves and others being sent backward through time.

Owen finds himself at the center of a group trying to stop the travels through time which is picking up people from each time period it stops at and carrying them further into the past.

This story is full of adventure, thrills, and heartbreak. It is also full of new relationships and the building of trust and friendships.

This book was one which is hard to put down even though there were points where it had to be because of it length. You always wanted to get back to it so you could find out what was going to happen next.

I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.