I’m sorry Not the best of the series … Important rakes in story logic… And author cheats.

1st A Ridiculous and UNnecessary war between the dead.. Is any other player nation in the game world fighting its own ?
OK so the problem was being caused by the order… But they order who is against all the game avatars and their gods Only attacks Jason and the twilight throne exclusively??

And a doesn’t appear that anyone besides the lead character has to worry about being instated or taken over by someone else in the game…as if it were ALL the other players nations vs the lead character or its Civilization Revolution Lols
While the lead character must train rigorously just to become some better literally dying to get better the chief protagonist the golden boy and his Rich B**** partner Just seem to have phenomenal powers and influence in the game with out having to strain themselves Much at all!
Such a missed opportunity To demonstrate the weakness of coddled children by rich parents… I.e. Lindsay lohan and Paris Hilton in the real world.

Just another missed opportunity to break new ground with the little rich brats getting slapped down in a world where daddy Chant buy their way 4 then for bail them out of Trouble. So far these 2 are the typical 2 dimensional villains you come back in every book like this.

Disappointing Because the 1st book Was truly interesting Even exciting