I really enjoyed this book. It was something different for me. I don’t typically go for the alien romance reads. The plot was really good. I loved the world building. It was very easy to picture the scenes as the book progressed. Now, I’m all about romance. The hero had eyes 100% only for his woman. Which I super loved. There were four other main side characters that I think will get future books. But, at the end of this one, it kind of gives you a hint at who the next book is about. It also leaves you on the edge wanting to find out what happens. It’s not a cliffhanger, just a small hint, a nudge towards the next book. One that has me very excited to get to which is why this review is all over the place because I’m rushing.

I did listen to this book via Audible. It was an accidental find last night when I was looking for something to listen to while cleaning. The Narrator did a fantastic job. I’m glad I accidentally found this book. Now, I’m going to not so accidentally download the next book and start listening.