Let’s start with the good stuff and work our way down.

The narration is excellent. I was a little concerned that the Australian hero’s accent would come off too "Crocodile Hunter". That was not the case. The accents are well done and not over the top.

The story is unique and full of action. Poachers uncover a Nazi research facility in Africa and a plague infects them and the local wildlife. I would describe them as a hybrid, zombie/vampire creature. They evolve the longer they are alive and the more they eat. This makes for some creepy adaptations as the wildlife evolve.

Here is where it sort of goes off the rails. The game warden and his band of park rangers are ridiculously outfitted. As the story goes on and the threat increases, the armament needed to combat the plague, just happens to be laying around. I think finding a better way, rather than a bigger gun, would have kept the story a little more grounded in reality. As much as a zombie/vampire animals attack book could be, anyway.

"This book was given to me for free at my request and I provided this voluntary review."