A very enjoyable and affirming story, read expertly well. The main characters and the supporting cast are well drawn and convincing. The story unfolds amid an enlightened and supportive group of school friends who band together in the face of parental and other forms of prejudice, malice and violence. In the end, everyone gets what they deserve and the conclusion befits a true romance. I’d give the story 5 stars if it hadn’t been for the rather reduced vocabulary used by the author: it’s ok for the first half but after that you get tired of the same phrases over and over (rolled eyes, shrugged, eyes widened, lips crashed (sic) on mine). It’s a pity because this is really the only weakness in the entire book. The author should by all means keep producing and stick to the same formula, but for goodness’ sake buy a thesaurus! If Hunter is so gorgeous, shouldn’t we hear more specifics as to why? Even a line or two here and there? The sexual encounters were literally devoid of any details: again, the author should be more creative! She clearly has the ability. In summary, it’s a wonderful and sweet romance, long and absorbing, but could be lifted into the truly exceptional category with a little extra work. Waiting for the next one with eager anticipation.