so If you like super dark romances with lots of violoence action and blood shed but also unconventional love involving a hot rugged bad boy then this is the book for you.woah I was not expecting the first two chapters to go that way! That got dark real fast. Lots of gang violence, torturing happening at the beginning. It really drew me in though and I cant stop listening. There are a few trigger warnings though, you for sure have to have a strong stomach for this one and not be easily triggered by reading about rape, abuse and sex trafficking.I recieved this one in exchange for a review. I didnt read the synopsis before listening so I probably should have done that but I like to be suprised sometimes and boy was I haha.The hero in the story doesn’t do any of these things though. If anything he wants to stop it and he is out for revenge for the people who took everything from him. This is a second book in the series so I probably should have read the first one to know more of the back story but overall the story was interesting enough to hold my interest the whole time. I took a few breaks in between because I dont read books this said this often and needed something fluffy to read in between. The two main characters got together in a non conventional way and were both raised in bad environments and forced into lives they wanted no part of based on who their parents were. They didnt have the normal type of relationship at first but their lives were anything but that and they were just one eachother needed to make it through.