I feel bad about only giving 4* on the story, but in full explanation, I’d have rated the story 4.5-4.8 if I could have. Extremely entertaining, humorous, and we’ll performed. That it is released as this sort of omnibus helps support its strengths and mitigate its flaws at the story level. Things are presented as a series of ‘missions’ by this unlikely crew and that the consequences of the stories flow throughout gives a richness that I don’t individual books/volumes would adequately grasp so as to bring you through to say what would be the third book or the 20-30th hours. Again, the humor and performance are pretty good. I especially like the super large sentient dog. But an inept human captain, smart ass human wizard, disgraced naive human nun that’s had enough plastic surgery to make her the very example of a maxim cover model, a dunkers 6 limbed mechanic on some species I don’t fully understand, a former Marine who’s still using the drugs the Corps had here on back in the day, and feline type humanoid who is some kind of walking warrior badass with a short fuse are just a taste of the characters that await you. I have 120+ audible books and I unhesitatingly recommend this as a little known jewel that won’t disappoint. Just my 2¢